St. Laurence's Church of England

Primary School & Little Treasures' Nursery

Welcome to Year 5


In Year 5, Children are encouraged to prepare themselves for lessons and be responsible for organising their own belongings. Reading books, green diaries and yellow spelling books should be kept together in the provided book bag and will need to be brought to school every day. Please check and sign your child’s green diary regularly. You may also wish to write non-urgent messages in their diary.


  • We ask that children read at home at least three times a week.
  • Our weekly spelling test will take place on a Monday.
  • Homework will be set on Seesaw on a Tuesday and should be completed by the following Monday.
  • PE Kits will need to be in school all week and will be sent home for washing on a Friday.


In the Spring Term, children go on a two-night residential visit to an outdoor pursuits centre where they can try caving, raft building, zip wire and numerous other heart raising activities! It is a fantastic trip, encouraging children's team building skills and allowing them to grow in confidence, whilst staying away from home with their friends.

Mrs Siddons


Mrs Siddons  Teacher

Mrs Siddons Teacher

Mrs Tengiz   TA

Mrs Tengiz TA

Mrs Hyde - TA

Mrs Hyde - TA